Jessica Nichols Art

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A Weekend Report

Good morning! I had an interesting weekend so I thought I'd tell you a little bit about it. Friday night, I went up to San Francisco to Rare Device for the Pin It Forward party hosted by Victoria of sfgirlbybay and Pinterest.

I got all dressed up in a swirly black dress and high heels. I had a little boo-boo on my shin so I borrowed one of the Noodle's pirate band-aids at the last second. My husband couldn't get over that so he took a picture for me.

feeling a little bit punk rock

This weekend we also went to a summer pool party for one of the Noodle's bestest friends. It was classic and there was an underwater scavenger hunt which I thought was one of the coolest ideas ever. Yesterday the boys and Nana went kayaking in 

Elkhorn Slough while I stayed behind at Nana's house to prepare for my group career coaching with Michelle.

The homework this week was to work with the classic book Do What You Are. Now I've taken the lengthy type test way back in 1999 or so in college and I was an INFJ. But I really wonder if I was answering the questions for how I wish I was vs. how I actually am back when I was 19. I am very, very, very clearly an ISFJ now. I am sharing this because for awhile now I have been feeling very out of touch with my intuition about many things in my life. I have been judging myself pretty hard because my intuition is not strong.

Well last night, I did some further reading in the book (beyond what I needed to do for my coaching homework) and it turns out that for ISFJs, intuition is the weakest part of the personality! Blow me down people! So this is eye-opening to say the least! Now I can stop judging myself and start helping myself strengthen that part. This has so many implications, most obviously as I continue my path towards work but in all areas of life including parenthood. Another very interesting thing about ISFJs is that they get overwhelmed with the big picture and I think this is very evident with my photography even. It is no wonder that I am not a landscape photographer!

The last thing from this weekend to share is this wonderful, amazing film Jeff and I watched last night.

It was completely charming and funny and beautiful. Great soundtrack too!

Now I must go because I am hosting the Noodle's first sleepover today with the party princess from the weekend pool party. We had a playdate planned for today for weeks but I woke up and turned it into a sleepover and the Noodle doesn't know about it yet! He ended up sleeping over at Nana's last night and he's not home yet. I think you will hear his gleeful screams as soon as I tell him.

Did you have a good weekend?