Jessica Nichols Art

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Date Night

After a fun-filled afternoon in Capitola, and a sweet overall Mother's Day (minus bathtime where Jaden whacked me on the thigh with his spray bottle because I told him we had to wash his hair, geez what an evil mom), I got the ice cream on the cake and a date with Jeff provided by Betty. What a cool mother-in-law I have to babysit on Mother's Day.

Okay that was a massive run-on sentence but I don't care. It was a crazy warm night and instead of our usual mad dash to a movie as movie-deprived parents, we opted for dining al fresco at the Pruneyard. El Burro stood us up by closing their patio early so we headed almost next door to Rock Bottom Brewery where we joined their beer club and ordered yummy fried foods to go with our big-ass beers. Our server was a little 25-year-old boy in a punk band and we even stayed after leaving an $8 tip to ask him about his punk band and their first upcoming show. See we're not old fogies, we are young at heart and interested in local punk bands! Go us!

(I think I do well as long as I fool the outside world and Mr. Punk Rock Waiter has no idea I'm a cancer survivor, then I am doing a good job. It's similar to my insistence on dressing up for doctor visits, I am convinced if I look cute then my docs will have more faith in my prognosis. I have even admitted this to my doctor and she, of course, tells me it has no bearing whatsoever.)

Now it's way past my "bedtime" (9 p.m. is a way to make me a chronic failure) so I'm going to crawl into my bed and beg these aching, Neulasta-soaked bones to cut me some slack. Got a big date with the hospital tomorrow and Jeff said if they have wireless internet, he'll work from my room! Woohoo! A day at the hospital can't get any better than that! Now let's hope Good Sam has internet access. They have non-gray walls (actually a quite lovely shade of blue) so there is actually hope.

Today in Capitola, we ended our day with a visit to the former Polar Bear Ice Cream shop, and I got my fave summer flavor, bubble gum. What can I say, I'm a kid at heart. Anyway the point is that I only got two measly gumballs in my entire scoop and being the fantastically generous mother that I am, I gave one whole gumball to Jaden. It was his first gumball too. He seemed very focused on my gum rules, "Chew and then spit it into the cup" and overall he was more interested in the color of our tongues (blue and purple) than the gum-chewing experience. Either way, it might be one of the highlights of motherhood so far.

To-Do List:

* go to bed!

So what if I'm trying to set myself up to succeed for a change, I'll share a real list tomorrow.
