Jessica Nichols Art

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Lazy Weekend


I am sorry for disappearing on you all yesterday, no poem! I was a) a 'lil sad and b) a 'lil hot so I played hooky. I am now in AC-land (my in-laws) and very relaxed. Kind of like Cali here.

Now there's a gal who knows how to lay low during a heat wave, right? Make nice with some porcelain tile, what a trendsetter she is! I am home guarding the heirloom tomatoes while the rest of the family sneaks in one last swim before bedtime (kiddo) and dinner (non-kiddos). I have a glass of wine, a stack of magazines and three dogs vegging in various places. 

Leaving a hungry Italian home alone with an heirloom tomato?
Good idea or bad?

I hope you're all enjoying your weekend, wherever you are!

P.S.   Look what I found on a photowalk last night!