Jessica Nichols Art

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On Remodeling

This summer, Jaden and I visited the Portland Children's Museum and the best part was the time we spent in The Garage -- a recycled art studio. I was so inspired by watching Jaden work there, I set out to create a smaller version at home in our actual garage.

Many weeks, lots of purging and a weak garage sale later, we were in business with some old & new craft and found items. Here are some pictures from Jaden's first day working in his "workshop," better late than never eh?

Later on, Daddy lent him his drill.

I love to take pictures from his vantage point.

Glorious Gobs of Gooey Glitter Glue

Here is his first creation!

I absolutely loved watching my boys hang out in the garage together: Jaden creating, Jeff working on his bike like the good old days. A few weeks after this, my instincts and hard work paid off.

I was busy doing something and it was one of those times Jaden needed to "find something to do." He got a glint in his eye as he remembered his workshop. He disappeared into the garage. I would check on him from time to time as covertly as possible. (Remember the spray paint incident? I wasn't taking any chances even though I had rearranged the garage pretty much to avoid any more incidents).

After a long while, Jaden returned to me.
With a big, proud voice he said,

"I did a little remodeling!"

And inside, with my own big, proud voice I said,
"Yes! Score one for me!"