Jessica Nichols Art

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Scene Around Home: Deer

I shot these images about a month ago over our back fence. One of the greatest things about the house we have been living in for 1.5 years now are the deer. Our whole family loves them. Well, maybe not the dog. I don't even mind one bit when they eat more plums than me in the summertime.

We will miss the deer, among many other things, when it is time to move from this house. If only we knew when the move would happen. It will be some time between April and June. There are lots of questions right now and not nearly enough answers. That means that our nerves? They are quite frayed around here, especially our little Noodle's nerves. So most of my energy is at home, and not in blogland. It won't last forever and I am trying to pop in whenever I can to say hi.