Jessica Nichols Art

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Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

OMG I just registered to take CBEST.

Now everyone has told me forever that it's the easiest but still, I am one of "those" annoying people who are convinced they failed a test and are truly shocked when they see the A later. So imagine, although I did manage to graduate from college after a mere TEN years, I will be studying the next few weekends.

It just seems meant to be today, the way my TNT participation happened last year when I spontaneously went to the info. meeting and scored the only free registration by pure luck.

I've been wanting to take CBEST for a couple of years now but today decided to just go ahead and sign up, and lo & behold if today wasn't the deadline for the next test date -- which happens to be on my friend Amy's birthday. So there you have it, multiple green lights!

Now what to do about my constant soul-searching quandary of what to do with my life: be a 3rd grade teacher, start an errands-service or keep learning about windows. Hmm. Or write. Or design. Or become a photographer. Or any number of a million things I'm interested in doing.