Jessica Nichols Art

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True Comfort in a Box

I was at Costco the other evening and I seriously heard people raving in this one aisle, so I meandered over to see what the fuss was about.

Customer 1: "OOH I have heard these are so good."
Customer 2: "Yes they are so good, I've had them before."
Employee: "Yeah, these fly off the shelves all the time."

So after they all cleared out of my way, I did my auto-flip straight to the ingredient list, which passed my tests with flying colors:

And we made them last night. In less than five minutes. And they passed the taste* test* with supersonic colors. YUM. YUM. As Ray Ray would say.

Edited*: fixed a couple of typos, duh. (I am blogging this edit because I read in Blogging for Dummies that it's poor blogging form to edit a post without explaining it).