Jessica Nichols Art

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Whoa, Where Did I Go?

Okay so relocating is quite the time-consuming life adventure! I wake up, get the Noodle off to camp, work  six hours at my day job, rush to pick up the Noodle after camp, plan/make dinner, maybe do a little bike ride and then it's bedtime for the Noodle. After that I work like a dog on the house until 11, watch a little tv to try to shut my brain down and collapse at midnight in bed.

a little nook at last

I am making progress though, and I have the big deadline of Sept. 6th motivating me. That is the first day of school and I want all systems a GO before the madness of the school year sets in. We've been painting maniacs and the living room is 90% done. I finally found bookcases last weekend. I need a bench and shoe storage in the garage/mudroom/bike room and more more more hooks for backpacks, purses, etc. I got more lunch containers and I picked up the school supply list a couple of days ago. (I had a rant on Twitter about the requested pink erasers but that's another post for another day).

Anyway I could go on and on. I wish I had started a 365 project for my first year in Portland. But when on earth would I get that done? I am exhausted my friends. Happy in Portland, loving it, but nesting takes lots of time, lots of energy and yes, lots of cash. :)

That's my short report for now. Miss you!