Little Guy

Today while we waited over an hour at Longs for my antibiotics (they said "15 minutes"), I decided to get Jaden a new Color Wonder notepad so he wouldn't self-combust in the toy aisle.

I know it doesn't scan that well, but trust me, it was $4 well spent. He is all into writing words and sentences now (with spelling help of course) so I gave him the shorthand for skate. Too rad.

Regrets: Hobbies

I think this video is one of the most brilliantly creative things I've seen.

They say on their site:

"As a company that time and time again gets totally excited about shiny new ideas and only rarely see them through to completion, we're right in tune with Hobbies, the fifth film in our SD's "Regrets" series, featuring David Pasquesi."

Some people just blow me away with their ideas. To think they "rarely" follow theirs through to completion is a rather numbing concept to me. There are four more in the series but I think this one is the best one. The music, dude, just the music is brilliant.

I've tried multiple times to upload straight from YouTube to no avail. So you'll have to be old fashioned and click the link. Ha Ha. Old fashioned.

My Little Artist

I've been working hard lately to offer Jaden more opportunities to paint, draw, collage and create at home. I love how sometimes he'll just burst out and say, "I am an artist!"

Here is a painting from yesterday. He didn't like how the colors were blending towards brown, which I have explained many times happens if you mix too many colors. But when I took a look at his painting, I immediately thought of our camellia (sp?) bush right in the back yard.

I said to him, see your color palette is right outside our door in nature! And sometimes artists keep objects around to inspire them. So I clipped a bud and put it on his easel to show him exactly how wonderful his colors did work together. In my non-artist's opinion!

Rad Rocket

There are truly few words that can express how amazing I find the progression of Jaden's art. It seriously blows my mind. I am so grateful for Jeff because he is equally blown away so I have someone who knows exactly how I feel about this stuff.

It's just too rad to have your kid sit down and nonchalantly whip out a rocket ship for the first time and hand it to you like no big deal, I do this all the time and you're saying wow cool but inside screaming holy cannoli those scribbles do turn into recognizable shapes and writing after all!

by Jaden, June 26, 2007

First Sunshine

This was a project for Worthy Wage Week next week at Jaden's preschool, he drew a picture for his teacher.

I am simply amazed at the progression of his artwork in recent months, the shift to more representational art. I am also sad because as he does this, the actual drawing, he often says things like "I can't draw _____" or "It doesn't look right."

You can see here how he interrupted himself halfway on his sunshine, he said, "it doesn't look like a sunshine" super frustrated.

But I love it. In fact, I think it's glorious.

I always tell him art is not good or bad, right or wrong and he can draw how he feels. Hopefully it sinks in because I think his process is beautiful.