An Ode to Sugar

Valentine's Day is imminent. I have much love in my heart for my sweet husband and my beautiful son, plus all of our fur babies even if I haven't decorated, crafted or baked a thing for them. I've been pinning lots of Valentine's Day treats, and some crafts, but I guess this Valentine's Day board is my ode to sugar. You see, I also love the taste of sugar (which I quit in October, minus some very dark chocolate). So this holiday is a bit torturous, like they are all turning out to be. I never realized what a big part sugar was in my holidays. a collection of Valentine's Day treats and crafts on Pinterest

Chocolate Matches Pretzels by  Good Housekeeping

 darling chocolate matchbox pretzels from Good Housekeeping

Ombre Heart Cookies by Sugar Hero

Ombré Heart Cookies from Sugar Hero

Valentine Dog Treats from the Etsy Blog

Valentine Dog Treats from the Etsy Blog

 There are many more pretty, sweet and even some last-minute ideas over on Pinterest for you, all curated by me.

And oh my dear sweet sugar, I know you are evil for my body but I do love you.

“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” ― Pablo Neruda