Just Start (again)

Instead of continually NOT posting because I have so much to say and no idea where to begin, and inspired by Tiffany Han's podcast about just starting, I'm here. I'm starting. Again. Just Start

I'm simply going to say that I am in extreme learning mode since my relapse. I'm learning how to eat way healthier than I have ever eaten before. This takes a lot of time! I'm new to it and I'm not efficient yet. I'm learning how to let my heart lead the way instead of letting my mind be in charge all the time. This takes a lot of courage! I'm learning how to fit my work into all of this and it's not easy. It is not coming effortlessly or naturally. I have had a lot of upheaval in 2014, starting in May when we began our house hunting process. Work has been pushed largely to the back burner these past few months. I'm trying to be patient with myself and not compare how my business is (or is not) positioned for holiday sales this year. It's hard though. I do have a pretty calendar for 2015 ready for your gifting needs! I am proud of it and that I made it happen.

A Hideaway

I'm thrown off my schedule with the Noodle being gone, you'd think it'd be a big party over here for the parents but we work all day and miss him at night so really, it's kind of an odd experience. As such, I'm looking for a little hideaway like this to get through my work day.

I spied this photograph on Pinterest here and 
it was credited to Romantiska Hem on this Tumblr

I actually went to the Romantiska Hem blog and searched through the archived posts back to February searching for a photographer credit, to no avail. It is so frustrating. Isn't it such a pretty picture? Don't you want to know who actually took it? I DO. I want to see more of this person's work. I want to put their name under their photograph, where it belongs. Did a stylist help them set up the shot? Don't you want to know who that hard-working person is too? Didn't they do a great job hanging those paper lanterns in there?

Normally, I would not post this image on my blog. There are many, many, many photographs I find that I would love to share with my readers here, but I can't find the original source so I'm stuck with "liking" it or making it a "favorite"on whichever site I found it on. It's a giant brick wall over and over.

Today I am going to post this uncredited image though because I've been meaning to post about the topic of photo credits for a long while. From time to time, there are posts by other bloggers about how to properly credit photos for use on blogs. The fact is, legally, you should not post anyone else's images without their permission. In reality, blogs would come to a screeching halt if they waited for permission all the time. This has frustrated me many, many times because as a photographer and rule-follower, I try not to use images without permission. But sometimes, an image is so pretty and perfect, like this one, that I will break the rules. It is not the greatest situation, I'll admit it. I imagine you've all seen this poster by now:

(read more about this poster on {frolic!}design for mankind and Design*Sponge)

I really do think it's a complicated situation these days. As a photographer or artist, you welcome exposure and you accept some risk by posting your work on the internet. The risk is that your work will get used without credit or payment, and the payoff is possible exposure leading to payment somewhere along the way. Some photographers and artists grumble about their work being stolen, and that stinks, don't get me wrong. But the safest thing to do is never put your work online. Even so, it could be stolen and used.

I take a moderate approach. I share my work online and I welcome others to use my images with a credit. I minimize my risks of others making prints of my work by uploading small, low resolution file sizes. Recently a photograph I took appeared on Poppytalk, and less than two weeks later, I received an Etsy order as a result. I think this is great, obviously, as I am trying to establish myself and earn a living with something I am passionate about.

As for the uncredited photo in this post, if anyone out there knows who it belongs to, please let me know. I will even go back and leave comments on Pinterest and Tumblr naming the owner so that eventually others won't have to do so much work. Really it boils down to time management. At the very least, are people willing to slow down just a bit to make a note where they found the image and then other people like me can do the right thing and get permission to use the image. What if that Tumblr owner had not just said my source is so-and-so's blog, but included the permalink to the actual post? It would be so helpful.

How do you handle photo crediting on your blog? Are you strict and use images only with permission? Do you plan all your posts ahead of time and wait to get the permission? Do you post images with credits and hope the photographer doesn't ask you to take their images down? 

One Thousand Posts!!!

Dearest Readers of Sweet Eventide,

Last Friday, I realized that with my ode to Farm Fresh to You, I had hit my 1,000th post! All weekend, I've been trying to figure out how I want to celebrate this milestone. It occurred nearly 4 years and 6 months to the day from my first blog post: Just Start.

I may not always be consistent with a posting schedule, and I may not always be cheerful, but writing for the community of readers I have grown in this space is one of the greatest sunshines in my life. Truly! 

To thank you for your loyalty, I will have a little giveaway of my work! Your choice from my Print Shop or my Postcard Shop. There will be a few little surprises in your package also -- handpicked Jess favorites. To enter, leave a comment and please share with us why you return to Sweet Eventide, a favorite post or a favorite photograph that I've taken. That's it! No tweeting or FBing required, unless you're in the mood. :)

Okay, this giveaway is open until Friday, November 19, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. PST.


Psst! my 2011 calendar will land in my Etsy shop on Friday!

Dear Blog, I Miss You

Dear Blog,

I miss you.

I miss posting every day. I miss taking photographs to share with all my friends on you. I miss reading sweet comments and writing back. I miss making new friends. I'm having a hard time adjusting to our new schedule. I'm having a hard summer all the way around, and you normally cheer me up when I'm blue and now I can't have you as much.

Your sad author,


My Dear Blog, I'm so thrown off my routine, I forgot to put in the picture I chose to show you how much I love and miss you. I've edited you now to include it. See? Three hearts. Because I heart you that much.

Ceiba Del Mar + An Announcement

Hello and happy Monday morning! Grab your cup of coffee or tea, and get a little hit of pretty! Here are a few more photographs from our wonderful trip to Ceiba Del Mar and after the pretty pictures, there will be a summertime announcement.

And here is a photo that I did not take but I will treasure forever: me and Amy -- my sweet, cherished, loyal, oldest friend on earth -- whose wedding brought a wonderful group of people to paradise.

Thanks Chrissy for capturing the moment and I hope you don't mind my processing! :)

Now for the summertime announcement!

I'm going to have a different blogging schedule. I usually try to blog five days a week, Monday through Friday, and this schedule brings me much joy and happiness. Due to a variety of reasons, I'm going to adjust my blogging schedule to three times a week and you will find fresh posts from me on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays all summer long. I hope you'll understand and not forget about my Sweet Eventide. In the fall, I plan to go back to blogging five days a week again.

Are you making any changes for the summer?

Twenty 10

Hello New Week! I am blogging from the dinosaur age, aka my iMac from 2004!

© Mark Witton
only an Italian dinosaur will do for my blog
(click her to read more)

I am one of the many folks affected by a large graphics card failure in their Macbook Pros. So my laptop (thank you sweetie for backing it up, phew) is off for a weeklong repair job.

This means bad things for the blog as far as my own photos are concerned. I am going to work hard to plan a week of posts using other people's photos, which requires a lot of advance planning to get permission + I have a few other plans. In the meantime, I thought I'd share my handwritten dreams for the year because my scanner is working just fine! :)

I've already knocked two of these out of the park: I made split pea soup and baked something. I will share the recipes, esp. the cookies this week. Also I am looking on the bright side of this computer fiasco: I am going to have a lot of free time since my blog reader is installed on my laptop (no I don't use Google Reader). So I will do things offline and document them to share later. I may even finish knitting that darn blanket!

So I don't go into spasms of blog withdrawals, please leave me a comment today with a link to your blog so I can visit you!


While I go on and on in circles in my mind about new blog names, I will at least mix up the look here for now.

That banner photo up there? Taken on the Coast Starlight last weekend somewhere in Southern Oregon when the train came to a stop in a forest to check on a power failure on board. It was quiet, still and it started snowing. It was dreamy. It was the most peaceful moment in time I have experienced in years (if not ever).

I may hate all this grey on the blog when I wake up tomorrow but I will live with it for a few weeks. Spring is coming and hopefully by then, I will have made a decision on a new name.