The Perfect Art

Last week, I asked the Noodle for "some art that would look good on these walls."

Boy did he deliver!

To be honest, these walls are much more to the green side of green-blue than I normally prefer. But his art is making me rethink my automatic decision to repaint. For one thing, it photographs pretty darn well. However, the rest of my framed artwork will clash mightily on this color.

I am only speaking of paint now, three weeks into our new house, because we only decided yesterday that we would stick it out. We arrived to discover a bad combination of improper renovations, a lease that requires constant notification of problems to the landlord and a landlord who does not have the personality to hand out lease requirements like that. So we stopped unpacking after one week of terrible interactions with him and started stalking Craigslist again, much to our terrible dismay. Folks? There have been exactly two listings in this neighborhood since then. Rentals are scarce. So we will have to find a way to all get along and now, I can finally finish unpacking and start painting.

It's been too hard to even talk about it with close friends and family! Moving to a new state is hard enough, but to think about moving again immediately was over the top hard. Onwards & upwards!