The Post About the Craft Fair

So...the craft fair. I knew the whole time that I was doing too much for it, and I also knew I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to present myself well to the school community who would be seeing my work for the first time. I think I did succeed as far as that goes.

I find craft fairs very tiring. It may be partly because I am not extroverted and while I enjoy talking to people a lot actually, I do not draw my energy from it. Also it is a vulnerable experience: you work hard for days before hand, invest more time and money than you should and stand there hopeful and exposed for hours.

I am not surprised to find that I woke up sick yesterday morning actually. I do like how I set everything up and a BIG thank you to my supportive husband who built me a display stand. {I was too busy to remember to get a wide view of the whole table, duh!}

I had a couple of sales to sweet friends -- a BIG thank you to M., K. and S. for your support and a special thank you to A., a high school buddy who came out to say hi. We hadn't seen each other since 1989 I guess, but that's FB for you! :)

What are your thoughts on craft fairs, if you've participated in them? Do they get easier?