The Winner!

Good morning! I have just clicked my winner! chose number 3, Gina from Hettle of ruffled pillow fame. Congratulations sweet friend!

I really enjoyed Gina's comment for the giveaway and would like to share it here.
She described the essence of what keeps me so connected to my camera when she said her favorite post was... "your SF post, b/c it reminds me of why I truly enjoy your photography, it has a found along the way kind of beauty in the little things..." I tried to describe this idea in an interview that was published yesterday on the Art Wall blog, but I think Gina summarized my style much more succinctly than I did.

I want to thank all of my sweet readers for coming to keep me company five days a week here at Sweet Eventide. Putting together pretty posts for you truly brings me joy. I look forward to another year together!