Back to Regular Life

Good morning! The Noodle is off to school and it's time for me to get back to regular life as well. I chose to leave a lot of the housework for this day instead of doing it over the weekend. I guess I wanted to squeeze every last drop out of the holidays.

We traveled away from home a lot. I think from Christmas Eve to yesterday, we only spent two and a half days at home, and not continuously. Typing that out makes me realize that was a little bit nutty, but we did enjoy spending a lot of wonderful, quality (and quantity) time with our family and friends. Among other things, there were birthday celebrations, dinners out, movies (at home and in the theater), get togethers with friends and ice skating (twice).

Hello 2010!

So I'm not here this morning with a new year's list of resolutions or goals to share like many other bloggers, or a year in review. I'm here simply to say hello friends and hello 2010. I am wondering what you will bring my way, and what I will bring my own way with you.

Vacation days blur right by, don't they?

The second half of last year was a blur, and in general, time seems to be speeding up each year that passes. I guess this is a hallmark of getting older. This is the year I turn 40, a big deal for most women, including me. January is a time of reflection. But I hope I take more opportunities throughout this year to pause, reflect and plan, and not just rely on the beginning of the year for that.

I've been mulling over Michelle's post, 1 Thing in 2010 and my one word, one intention, for this year is DISCIPLINE. I aspire to implement more of it in multiple areas of my life. I haven't answered the rest of the questions yet, but they are very good food for thought for me.

Speaking of discipline, I am going to attack my house now and whip it into tip-top shape!