Friday Poems: New Sights

Considering today is Moving Day, I thought this little poem (from my now overdue Poetry by Heart library book) was quite perfect for Friday Poems.

photo credit: Muffett

New Sights

I like to see a thing I know
Has not been seen before,
That's why I cut my apple through
To look into the core.

It's nice to think, though many an eye
Has seen the ruddy skin,
Mine is the very first to spy
The five brown pips within.

I have many new sights to see in the new house as we make it into our home: new corners, new views, new neighbors, new trees, new critters, new routes to & fro, plus deer! I won't have new internet until Monday however; so if you're missing me here on the blog, you can probably find me tweeting (from my hand-me-down iPhone).

I wish everyone a relaxing holiday weekend! We plan to take a little R&R from unpacking on Saturday afternoon. We'll be swimming and BBQing (of course) with both sides of our family at my uncle's house. 

P.S. I will never look at an apple seed the same way after this poem. One reason you gotta love poetry!