Pause for Photography: Evie Marie

When I'm not able to get behind my own camera often enough or when life's troubles are getting to me, I find myself searching for pretty photographs to lift me up. This is not difficult to do considering I am part of the amazing Female Photographers of Etsy (fPOE), a group of talented, hard-working, inspiring women. It is through fPOE that I came to Evie Marie's wonderful, light-filled images this week.

photographs used with permission, © Evie Marie

I feel like Evie Marie's photographs are a little presents she wrapped up just for me this week. Only now they are your presents too, because she was kind enough to let me share them with you. Oh, and her name is pronounced Eh-vee, not Eee-vee. :)

See more of her work in her photostream, her shop, her blog and Facebook.