Summer Lovin'

vintage Plymouth station wagon with surf boards When I look at this photo from a camping trip last summer, Grease pops into my head immediately.

Summer loving had me a blast Summer loving happened so fast

I remember standing in the warm, dripping sunshine, staring at this vintage Plymouth station wagon with surf boards on top and thinking, "Seriously? Am I dreaming? Am I on a movie set?" Nope, I was only at a typical beach campground on the Oregon coast, on a typical summer camping trip. The key here is what was not happening: I was not tending to the fire,  I was not fussing with the camp kitchen, I was not tidying up the tent. Instead, I was out walking with my eyes wide open, because I knew I knew there was a photo waiting to be taken. I knew there would come a day when I needed to be reminded of the warm, carefree days of summer. . Today is that day.