Sweet Links

It may have taken me all day long to gather these but I do think these are some sweet, spring-time links.

I am loving this Abici bike and excited to feel better soon and take my own cruiser out for a spin (via Holiday Matinee).

Big Sur is extra beautiful through the lens of Ryan Tatar. I really want Polaroid transfers to be in my future somehow.

I can't get this darling post about vintage Fisher Price toys out of my mind (via Modern Kiddo).

Yesterday, HulaSeventy went and tweeted about these concept cameras. Now I'm obsessed with them but they don't really exist. Sigh. But I just had to share the love with you. ;)

I can't get this catchy Train song out of my head, hopefully I am not the only one. "The way you walk ain't fair you know!"

What about this amazing macro photograph of a clementine? Does everyone drop everything to stare at it and then go prowling on BorrowLenses for macro lenses or is that just me? (via scoutie girl)

I'll wrap up this edition of Sweet Links with this truly amazing and inspiring entry to Blog It Forward. This is CreateGirl's Great Aunt Mary and what a great woman! Please take a few moments to read about this trail-blazing Sicilian! She was light years ahead of her time and lived to an amazing 107! 

What sweet links have you found lately -- any great recipes, tutorials, art, music, photograhy? Please share them with me in the comments.

P.S. I'm truly honored to be seen in two sweet places today: on Simply Hue and as part of Scoutie Girl's cherry blossom festival. Thanks for having me on your inspiring blogs today!