Polaroid SX-70

My darling husband surprised me with a Polaroid SX-70 for my birthday.

This is a mighty machine that I've been drooling over for much of the past year. Most people know that Polaroid has ceased production and you can  read my friend Jay's thoughts about it. So not only does this camera need to be modified to fit a different kind of Polaroid film, even that is hard to find and pricey! (We're talking $25 for a 10-pack of 600 film).

Despite all of this, I have fallen in love. I am slowly getting a little better at my exposures. To see some of the ones so far, check out my new set over at Flickr. For more amazing SX-70 goodness, check out the SX-70 Flickr group. Maybe someday I'll get the courage to submit one of my own.

If you're interested, here is a little more reading about this wonderful art form. You can keep up with The Impossible Project here.

Pigtail Party

I am not exactly having a love affair with my hair lately. I know this is a "luxury worry" because my cancer is gone and my husband has found a new job in a terrible economy. However, I cut it short in December to rave reviews from everyone but me. After giving the short do two tries, I am trying to grow it a bit. 

For now, I am only able to make little baby piggies using lotsa bobby pins. But while I wait for my hair to grow, I can have a Pigtail Party with Flickr.

mosaic from Big Huge Labs

Center photo: 

Top Row: 

Second Row: 

Third Row: 
8. Chiara 1, 9. Pigtails

Bottom Row: 
12. Pigtails, 13. pigtails

Yellow: Day Three

A mosaic at the Portland Children's Museum (PCM)

Fabric art on the wall, also at PCM

A dusting of yellow on a branch at Hoyt Arboretum

One very modern house near Ken's Artisan Pizza
awesome pizza & lots of fun with Traci there last night. :)

We fly home tonight so we'll see how much yellow I can find in California for the rest of the week. Ciao Portland!

Yellow: Day One

Greetings from Portland!

I am logging in from our family vacation to participate in Erin's week of yellow. It is fun enough behind the lens in Portland but it's extra fun having a color mission. :)

Join me all week and you can also check out the Yellow Week Flickr pool.

A sunny way to step off an Amtrak train.

Had coffee this morning with the lovely Andrea.

Taken outside River City Bicycles.
This is where we made Jaden the proud new owner of a 20" bike.

Yes, only we would buy a bike in another city and ship it home.

Fillmore Street

On my grandma's would-be 88th birthday (Saturday, Jan. 17th), I found myself kid-free and husband-free for an entire day/night. Definitely an unusual state for this gal, but I filled some of the time on Fillmore Street. Here are some of the things I saw along my way.

FYI: If you want to see larger views of the images, click on the links which will bring you to the photo's Flickr page.
From there you can click "all sizes." You can also leave a comment, which brightens anyone's day. :)

Color Week II: Purple Tuesday

Apple Headquarters, Cupertino, CA

This photo was taken en route to the Cupertino Whole Foods,
where I learned about their photo policy while photographing purple produce: NONE allowed -- not even of one's child! So you are all stuck with one photo for today. Tomorrow will be better!

(PS. I never had a single issue with my P&S camera but my DSLR really ruffles feathers for some reason. This is the 4th instance of trouble in as many months with it from shop owners to crazy suburban moms!).


a classic Dutch Tilt by Jaden

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of moving, we celebrated Oma's 91st birthday on Friday, December 5th. Betty served her favorite birthday dinner of cold crab, homemade cocktail sauce and deviled eggs. For dessert, a traditionally delicious scoop of vanilla ice cream with a butter waffle cookie.

More photos in my celebrations set on Flickr.