The Post About the Craft Fair

So...the craft fair. I knew the whole time that I was doing too much for it, and I also knew I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to present myself well to the school community who would be seeing my work for the first time. I think I did succeed as far as that goes.

I find craft fairs very tiring. It may be partly because I am not extroverted and while I enjoy talking to people a lot actually, I do not draw my energy from it. Also it is a vulnerable experience: you work hard for days before hand, invest more time and money than you should and stand there hopeful and exposed for hours.

I am not surprised to find that I woke up sick yesterday morning actually. I do like how I set everything up and a BIG thank you to my supportive husband who built me a display stand. {I was too busy to remember to get a wide view of the whole table, duh!}

I had a couple of sales to sweet friends -- a BIG thank you to M., K. and S. for your support and a special thank you to A., a high school buddy who came out to say hi. We hadn't seen each other since 1989 I guess, but that's FB for you! :)

What are your thoughts on craft fairs, if you've participated in them? Do they get easier?

Introducing...a Postcard Shop!

I am thrilled to announce my new shop just for postcards! I have been planning and working on this all summer and my first collection is loaded and ready for purchase. I decided to branch out from Etsy and host my postcards on Big Cartel.

My first postcard collection includes two of my best sellers, Apothecary and Beach Light, as well as two new images for sale, Three Palms and Vintage Toy Cars. I actually have Vintage Toy Cards framed on my living room wall so if you've been to my home, it's not new to you. ;) 

The postcard shop has many options for you from purchasing the entire collection to an individual postcard and something in between. They will come prettily packaged in a glassine envelope and shipped in a rigid photo mailer. As usual, I will ship USPS first class mail for free worldwide.

Now that I have launched my new shop, you can bet I will start working on the second collection!

Etsy Shop Update

Hi again! I am really excited to announce that I have listed my first Polaroid prints in my sweet little shop! I did a test run recently with my photo lab and ordered one of my favorite images.

The Farmer's Grapes, 8x8

I am really happy with the way the print came out and I'll be offering my Polaroids in two sizes: 5x5 for $20 and 8x8 for $30. I wanted them to feel very welcome so I even made them a special corner in the shop. These can also be ordered on Plywerk which I think will look amazing with Polaroids. Please email me for details. 

Also, if you still happen to need a 2010 calendar, I have lowered the price of my Blossoms Calendar to $10. :)

Back to the Routine

Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely long weekend here in the States. I am not sure if I have many international readers. Please leave me a comment so I can say hello to you. :)

As for The Js, we spent the past four days at my MIL's house. We went for walks, ate a lot of leftovers, watched movies and played games, including a new favorite.

Aren't these leaves just dripping with beauty? This tree is on my MIL's street. Now we are home, and getting back into our routines. I have lots of housework to catch up on but it's okay. I enjoyed relaxing and I'm ready to face the mountains. I am also finally ready to turn my heart and thoughts towards the next holiday. To begin, I want to make an advent calendar today.

P.S. honey leaves is available in my shop, and you can still take advantage of my Cyber Monday specials.

Sweet Eventide Black Friday Deals

Okay I'm a little excited so I am going to announce my deals at 5 p.m. EST vs. my good 'ol PST. All of these specials are available from 11/26/09 at 12:01 a.m. through 12/1/09 at 12:01 a.m.

Every item in my shop during this long, upcoming shopping weekend will be available as a Buy One, Get One (BOGO) free!

If you are, or become, or refer a friend to my Facebook Fan page or my Twitter page, there are discounts ranging from 10-20% available to you.

For all the fine print details, please see my official shopannounceents page and my shipping policies.

I will continue to add new items throughout the next six days. Happy shopping! :)

Holiday Talk + Shop Update

This week my Noodle's school is closed for Thanksgiving break so my computer time is going to be less than normal. With the holidays' imminent arrival this week, it seems like a nice time to encourage everyone to shop locally and buy handmade this season.

To prepare for shopping season, I have been updating my shop after quite a hiatus. I plan to continue adding items this week in preparation for the upcoming holiday season, including a 2010 photo calendar called Blossoms. Here are my newest listings.

Row 2: MistyApothecary

On Wednesday at 5 p.m. I will be announcing my Black Friday deals which will be available starting at midnight on Thanksgiving Day. Here is a little advanced shopping tip for Etsy, type "etsyfreeshipping" into the search box on the main page to see items being offered with free shipping by sellers. :)

Finally, during the month of December, I am planning a blogging advent calendar of sorts with tips from my new excellent book, I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas by Anna Getty.

Good Morning! and Giveaway Winner!

Good morning friends! 

I am home from a relaxing two days at the beach with my husband and two of our dear friends, Jamie & Jay. Yes, 2+2 still equals 4 and there were four Js. We walked, talked, kited, snacked, took photos (lots), dined & wined & beered, 1/2 of us skated and 1/4 of us watched a movie while 3/4 of us snoozed. All in all, it was fabulous. 

When I got home from the beach weekend, we spent some time with our little boy (I missed him so much) and then, then I couldn't wait any longer to do my giveaway! I wrote everyone's name on a colorful slip of paper and put them all in an empty vase. 

I snapped a photo of all the entries for you.

Then I asked my MIL to draw the winner. I was so excited to see who would win! What is that you're saying? You want to know too? Well here you go!

Congratulations Sean aka BLG aka Bright Light Guy! The guy who makes my oldest friend on the planet smile every single day! I am thrilled and truthfully more than a bit humbled as he is a fine photographer himself. Sean, I think there was a hidden clause in this giveaway and you are required to open a Flickr account before you get your prize. Just kidding, but please do email me at sweet.eventide at yahoo dot com for details on your prize.

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for being loyal readers and for coming to my birthday party. It has been so much fun and believe me, there will be more fun to come if I have anything to say about it. 

I know I said the Noodle would choose the winner from a bike helmet but the Noodle partied way too hard with all his grandparents this weekend and had to go to bed before the drawing of the winner.

I would like to wish everyone a great Monday and I'll be back tomorrow with a set of pictures from the beach. We are off to Sacramento today* for a rally on the steps of the Capitol to raise awareness about the dire lack of funding for public schools here in California. It will be a meaningful day!

I am scheduling this post from the night before because we have to leave so early for our big day. I thought 6:33 sounded pretty good, LOL.

Bubblegum Dreams

My Noodle was in his first bike race this weekend and after we went out for lunch. Here is the first scoop of bubblegum ice cream of the season. 

Do you see me there in the spoon?!

I loved bubblegum ice cream as a little girl and I still like it because it's full of delicious surprise treats. Actually, it reminds me of my life this week:

Surprise #1: one of my blogging classmates posted about me on her blog Hettle this morning.

Surprise #2:  Sarah featured me today in her Etsy Treasury These Make Me Smile. Treasuries only stay on Etsy for a limited time, so click quickly. :)

Surprise #3: we are waiting on a job offer to come today. I'm hoping it will be a pleasant surprise, not an unpleasant one like I have dreamed the past two nights.

Surprise #4: I am beginning a new class Unravelling and I am so curious what I will discover about myself in the next eight weeks. I bet there will be some surprises.

Surprise #5: The Noodle is turning six this week. I hope I surprise myself and pull off a worthy celebration for him.

Heads Up: Etsy Day

When I launched Sweet Eventide last month, I began checking out the seller's forums on Etsy. The timing was fortuitous as SchuGirl had started a conversation with everyone about having an Etsy Day.

Well, after lots of input and cooperation a day was chosen and it's coming tomorrow! 

Print out a car sign and help spread the word! Lots of people online have heard about Etsy but if you ask around the grocery store, you'll still get a lot of blank looks.

I am going to spend this day getting crafty about how I am going to participate in Etsy Day. You can follow along on their Facebook page or their Twitter feed and you can take photos of any guerilla marketing you see and upload them to Flickr with the tag, "Etsy Day 2009."

Rumor has it, there will be a special deal announced on my shop's Facebook page tomorrow morning. 

I asked my darling husband if he'd wear orange tomorrow for me and his only concern was, "Do I have anything orange?" Hmm...sounds like a mission if I've ever heard one!